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Seraphina: a tale of a half-human, half-dragon. Need I say more?

Updated: Dec 9, 2018



Young Adult




It was a story which I've had on my shelf for months now and kept putting it off, and I am so glad I finally did pick it up decided to read it because it was so amazingly fantastic.

Dragons and mysteries, a fine combination if down right and I can attest to this novel having done it right. I very much enjoyed this story, for it had me at the edge of my seat constantly awaiting what was on the next page. Devouring it in a matter of days, I became enamored with the new ways that dragons were presented in the story.

An interesting factor to the story is the not so subtle American discriminatory and history aspect present in the story. Taking lands by force? Discriminating an entire species without trying to understand them? Sounds familiar? I easily immersed myself in this particular part of the story because there was just so much emotion to be felt, anger and pain and the strong desire to punch someone in the face.

This is not just a young adult fantasy, it is a story that makes one think and ponder on serious matters that are present in the real world. Matters such as religion, war, love, music, and norms.

Seraphina is an excellent read that everyone must read at least one in his or her lifetime.


Phenomenal, does not even come close to describing the astounding world building of Gorred. Set in the medieval times, dragons and human were attempting to coexist with each other with a treaty, but as real and fiction history will prove coexistence with diversity is not easily achieved. Nevertheless, Seraphina's world is an intricate contraption which was visually pleasing for my eyes to read and my mind to imagine.


Even though the story was told from the point of view of one person, the characters were so specific they felt real. I was able to connect and feel with each of them. It was a surreal experience which I liked very much. From the main characters to the side characters, everyone had their own weights which made each of them more visual in the book.

Orma. Seraphina's uncle was my favorite. Because for some reason I kept visualizing him as a big teddy bear. He was just so simple-minded (not in an unintelligent way but the adorable way) and so forward.


A soft yet heart-pounding pacing that made me just want to flip to the end of the book to find out how it all ends. Spectacular usage of words and phrases which were beautifully intertwined with one another to create a masterpiece for my eyes to witness and ever so grateful am I for that. And, the use of formal language and diction was a fresh attraction for sore eyes. I advise the use of a dictionary because there some diction that is used that may be unfamiliar.


I recommend this story to everyone who has the ability to read or be read to.

Thank you for stopping by, it made my day, but I would be even more happier if you would subscribe to my blog, and do not fret, I am not a spammer. Have a wonderful rest of your day or not, which ever you prefer.

What is your favorite fantasy animal?

I love dragons! There are powerful firebreathing beasts that I would just love to own.

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1 comentário

06 de jan. de 2019

there is nothing like a good book with dragons and this book sounds exceptionally intriguing accompanied with your collage of images.



All reviews are from books either purchased by me, gifted to me, check out of a public library, or provided by authors and/or publishers. Stephanie @ The SecretReader's reviews laced with nothing but honesty, positivity and critical critiquing. Stephanie does not receive any form of monetary compensations for her book reviews, but she does for her BETA READING SERVICES. However, the money she receives does not impact her honesty in the review she provides back to the respective authors or publishers. 


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